CleanChoice Energy Review

CleanChoice Energy is a standout provider in the ever-changing energy field. They offer electricity that comes only from wind and solar power. This change aims to lower your bills and cut your carbon footprint. More people in the U.S. are looking for green choices. It’s key to see how CleanChoice Energy can help your wallet and the planet. This review dives into what they offer, with input from actual customers and a look at what’s out there.

Key Takeaways

  • CleanChoice Energy offers 100% wind and solar energy options.
  • Customers experience varying billing outcomes, with some noting higher costs and others significant savings.
  • Auto-renewal policies may introduce unexpected rate changes after the initial contract period.
  • User reviews highlight both the ease of switching and environmental benefits.
  • While highly rated, some customers report being charged more than the advertised rates per kilowatt-hour.
  • Market comparisons suggest that careful research is necessary to avoid potential scams in the renewable energy sector.

Introduction to CleanChoice Energy

CleanChoice Energy is a top player in the renewable power field. It leads by offering eco-friendly electricity options that let people cut down on pollution. These efforts help the world become a cleaner, better place.

It ranks 367 on the Inc. 5000 list of swiftly growing U.S. businesses. Over three years, its growth is more than ten times, showing its strong focus on renewable power. Competing with others, CleanChoice Energy proves it’s efficient and truly works for a greener tomorrow.

So far, CleanChoice Energy has given out a billion kilowatt-hours of clean energy. This big step helped stop over 700,000 tons of harmful gas in the air. It clearly stands out, playing a key part in offering the world cleaner, greener ways to power up.

They aim to meet the need of those who care for the environment. By using green energy, they provide a choice that’s good for our planet. Their growth spree not only means more people get to choose them but also new job chances, boosting local economies.

To sum up, CleanChoice Energy works hard to lead the path in the renewable power world. With their easy-to-get green power solutions, they stay focused on making our future cleaner and greener.

How CleanChoice Energy Works

CleanChoice Energy makes renewable energy easy for everyone. They use a simple subscription model to make it happen. This way, they get clean energy from trusted sources.

Subscription Model

Switching to CleanChoice Energy is super simple. You get 100% clean power and don’t need to buy new stuff. Their subscription means you get energy from the sun and wind.

Being a member helps the planet a lot. By just using what they offer, more than 18,000 pounds of carbon isn’t made each year. This is like not driving for a whole year. You can join if you’re in Delaware, Illinois, Maryland, and more. Areas like New York, Ohio, and Washington, D.C. can also enjoy their services.

Energy Sources

CleanChoice Energy picks wind and solar power only. This choice has made a big difference since 2012. They’ve given out 3,847,726,392 kWh of pure green energy. It’s like planting nearly 45 million trees. Or not burning almost 3 billion pounds of coal. This would be like taking out about 588,000 cars from the road.

Here’s how big their effect is:

MetricImpact Equivalent
Total kWh provided6,740,767,334 kWh
Trees planted78,989,159 trees
Coal not burned5,285,387,333 lbs
Cars taken off the road1,029,310 cars

By becoming a subscriber, you help make the world cleaner. You help green sources like wind and sun grow. This supports a future that’s kind to our environment.

Customer Reviews and Testimonials

In this section, we look at CleanChoice Energy reviews. We aim to give a clear picture of what customers say. People share both good and not-so-good feedback. This helps potential customers understand the service better. Reading these reviews shows how CleanChoice Energy’s green energy impacts people.

Positive Feedback

Many like CleanChoice Energy for its green power. People find it easy to switch. They talk about honest bills and great support. They are happy with the money they save. Some see 10% off thanks to community solar.

The good work for the planet also wins hearts.

Negative Feedback

Not all feedback is shining. Some wish the cost was less. They’re not always happy with their bills. A few mention issues with the service’s details. They want clearer and more flexible terms.

To learn more about community solar’s rise and benefits, see this guide. It dives into how community solar helps with renewable energy.

StateCommunity Solar Share
FloridaLargest Share
MinnesotaSecond Largest Share
New YorkThird Largest Share
MassachusettsFourth Largest Share

Cost and Pricing Analysis

When you look at CleanChoice Energy prices, think about both short-term and long-term costs. Reports show that in Illinois, people lost over $1.6 billion to other electric suppliers since 2015. This shows why doing a careful cost analysis for green power is so important.

CleanChoice Energy has a pricing plan with a high fixed rate for the first 12 months. After that, it goes to a month-to-month plan, which can change the amount you pay. Their rate was about 60% higher than the one offered by ComEd. This means you might end up paying a lot more than with other companies.

It’s important to check if CleanChoice Energy’s renewable energy is a good long-term deal. Although the high fixed rates might turn you off, watch out for the variable rates. They might try to get you with cool things like gift cards, rebates, or tickets, but these can hide the fact that it might cost more overall.

Here is a detailed comparison between CleanChoice Energy and a traditional provider:

AspectCleanChoice EnergyTraditional Energy Provider (e.g., ComEd)
Initial RateHigh Fixed Rate (60% higher)Lower Standard Rate
Rate RenewalMonth-to-month basis with variable ratesFixed or Predictable Rate Plans
Customer IncentivesGift cards, rebates, flight miles, Disney ticketsOccasional promotions and discounts

Doing a green power cost analysis is key to see if CleanChoice Energy is right for you. Even though they offer cool incentives, consider the full cost and if it matches your financial plans.

Advantages of Using CleanChoice Energy

CleanChoice Energy offers big benefits. You get to help the Earth and find easy ways to use clean power.

Environmental Benefits

To make a healthier world, CleanChoice uses 100% clean wind and solar power. In the last ten years, users helped save the planet a lot. They used over 6,740,767,334 kWh of clean energy. This is like planting almost 79 million trees. It also stopped 5.2 billion pounds of coal from burning. This is as good as taking over a million cars off the roads. Community solar in 2021 made 113,461,541 kWh of solar energy. That’s like planting over 800,000 trees and not using 88 million pounds of coal. It avoided 10,000 cars being driven. Choosing CleanChoice lessens air pollution and drops our need for fossil fuels.

Convenience and Accessibility

Switching to CleanChoice is not hard at all. It’s good for the Earth and simple to do. There are no big upfront costs, fees to sign up, or extra charges if you want to leave. The whole signup takes just 2 minutes. This means it’s really easy to start. CleanChoice works in many places, like Delaware and New York. This helps lots of people use clean energy. Even if you can’t have solar panels on your roof, you can still go green. Choosing CleanChoice also helps create jobs in solar and wind power.

Potential Drawbacks

CleanChoice Energy offers great benefits. But, it’s important to know about possible downsides. Customers might worry about higher costs and contract issues.

Higher Costs

One big worry is the cost of CleanChoice’s renewable energy. Right now, their clean energy fixed rate is 14.8 cents per kilowatt-hour. This is much higher than Eversource’s 8.2 cents per kilowatt-hour.

For a house using 600 kilowatt-hours a month, CleanChoice’s bill would be $85.20. Eversource, in this case, would only be $49.20. This big difference in cost could be a problem for people on a tight budget.

CleanChoice also charges more than some other green energy providers. They can charge between 10.1 to 15.8 cents per kilowatt-hour. Green Mountain Energy, for example, charges 10.2 cents. But, they have an extra $150 fee to cancel early.

Contractual Issues

Customers might also face issues with long contracts. These long contracts can keep you paying high rates for a long time. CleanChoice Energy is working to make these issues less of a problem, but it’s still something to watch out for.

The prices of natural gas have gone very high at times. This causes CleanChoice’s prices to change. They aim for their prices to stay under $100/MWh. But, market changes can make contract terms harder to predict.

Choosing CleanChoice Energy is good for the planet. But, be prepared for the possibly higher costs and the terms of the contracts.

CleanChoice Energy vs. Traditional Energy Providers

Choosing between CleanChoice Energy and traditional utility providers involves looking at different things. You need to think about where the energy comes from, how much it costs, and its impact on the environment. This CleanChoice Energy comparison aims to help you look at your energy choices in a detailed way.

Regular utility companies use mostly fossil fuels and a little from green sources. But, CleanChoice Energy gets all its energy from wind and the sun. This is a big deal for the planet because making energy the traditional way makes a lot of pollution. For example, New York wants to use 100% clean energy by 2040. Already, more than 80% of the electricity in New York comes from water power.

Electricity in New York usually costs $200 a month. CleanChoice Energy might add a bit to your bill because eco-friendly energy costs more to produce. However, they show you everything you’re paying for upfront, with no surprise fees. They make switching easy without cutting off your service, which is especially good if you live in Central Hudson, ConEd, National Grid, NYSEG, Orange & Rockland, or RGE areas.

Pennsylvania also aims to use less harmful energy. They plan to cut down pollution by 26% in 2025 and 80% in 2050. To help, they have programs that give money for using solar power, like the Solar Renewable Energy Credits (SRECs) and the Sunshine Solar Rebate Program. With CleanChoice Energy in Pennsylvania, you can help reach these goals too. And signing up only takes a few minutes, with no service cuts.

Even though green energy might cost more at first, it’s a big help for the planet. By using 100% clean energy, you lower your personal pollution. Plus, you can get credit for extra energy your solar panels make. This is good for saving money and looking after the environment.

Below is a list of the main differences between CleanChoice Energy and typical energy companies:

FeatureCleanChoice EnergyTraditional Utility Providers
Energy Source100% Renewable (Wind, Solar)Mixed (Fossil Fuels, Nuclear, Small Percentage of Renewables)
Environmental ImpactZero Carbon EmissionsSignificant Carbon Emissions
Cost TransparencyFixed Pricing, No Hidden FeesVariable Pricing, Potential Hidden Fees
Service AreasCentral Hudson, ConEd, National Grid, NYSEG, Orange & Rockland, RGE, PPL (PA)Nationwide Coverage
Billing RateNew kWh Rate for Clean EnergyStandard Varied Rates

After a careful look, CleanChoice Energy stands out for its good effect on nature and showing clear prices. This makes it a great pick over traditional option.

Renewable Energy Commitment

CleanChoice Energy is all about being green. They jump into green projects and push for using more renewable energy. In Pennsylvania, they follow the state’s rules for green energy. Since 2021, Pennsylvania has got 3% of its energy from renewable sources. This is helped by 26 wind farms, making over 1,500 megawatts by 2022. CleanChoice Energy gives customers 100% wind and solar energy. This helps Pennsylvania’s green plan.

New Jersey also gets good things from CleanChoice Energy. In 2021, 2% of the state’s power came from green sources. The goal is to have 7.5 gigawatts from offshore wind by 2035. They also aim for 2,000 megawatts in energy storage by 2030. CleanChoice Energy is key in reaching these targets. They aim to grow New Jersey’s green energy a lot.

CleanChoice Energy helps out by offering nice deals and plans. For example, there’s a big tax break for solar panels. Plus, you get a credit for extra solar power in Pennsylvania. In New Jersey, making solar power can earn you money from certificates. These extra perks show how CleanChoice Energy really backs clean living and green power for everyone.

StateRenewable Energy ContributionWind Energy CapacityKey Initiatives
Pennsylvania3% as of 20211,500 MW from 26 wind farmsNet metering policy, Federal solar tax credit (ITC)
New Jersey2% as of 2021Successor Solar Incentive Program, 7.5 GW of offshore wind energy by 2035

CleanChoice Energy stands out by offering just regional wind and solar power. Their way in is easy and friendly, meaning you can switch to greener power without problems. They flex to what you need and keep things simple if you want to leave. This shows they are true to keeping customers happy and making the earth better.

Customer Service Experience

The CleanChoice Energy team always aims for the best. They’ve earned a 4.3 stars customer service rating. This makes them a top choice in the Green Energy Supplier category. What’s more, 83% of people love their service, giving it a 5-star review. Only a small part, 6%, felt it wasn’t perfect, rating it with just 1 or 2 stars.

Working at CleanChoice Energy means you’ll be paid well. A Customer Care Specialist makes about $54,669 every year. But their income can vary. They earn about $26 per hour. These figures show it’s a good place to work for those skilled in customer service and more.

Employees enjoy the fair pay and the job requires important skills. The salary depends on your experience and education. This shows how CleanChoice Energy values bringing in the best talent for great customer service.

Customer RatingPercentage
5 Stars83%
4 Stars5%
3 Stars0%
2 Stars6%
1 Star6%

Service Areas and Availability

CleanChoice Energy has made renewable energy available all across many states. This lets a large number of people opt for green energy. You can find their services in areas like New York, New Jersey, and Massachusetts. They aim to reach those who are into sustainable living in a big way. Their service covers key areas including the Greater NYC area, Yonkers, Albany, Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati, and more.

States Covered

They cover places such as New York, New Jersey, and Massachusetts. CleanChoice Energy teams up with different utilities to bring you clean energy. This includes wind, geothermal, and solar power. Their efforts aren’t limited to the U.S. only. They also work in the District of Columbia, spreading the message of renewable energy far and wide.

Availability Concerns

Despite reaching many locations, some spots may not get these green energy deals. While many cities enjoy their plans, others aren’t as lucky. This means not everyone can get access to their range of plans. These include plans for 6, 12, or 24 months, and ones that change based on the market.

To tackle this issue, CleanChoice Energy is always looking to expand. They work to offer energy that’s forward-thinking and clean, like their commitment to low costs and solar power. This is a big step toward greener air and more ethical energy choices. As more folks look for eco-friendly ways to power their lives, CleanChoice is striving to make their services available to all.

Switching to CleanChoice Energy

Switching to CleanChoice Energy is a simple yet big step towards green power. This guide will walk you through signing up. You’ll also learn important things to remember.

How to Sign Up

It’s easy to sign up for CleanChoice Energy, just takes two minutes. Here’s what you do:

  1. Go to the CleanChoice Energy site and put in your zip code to see if it’s available where you live.
  2. Look at the plan options and pick the one that fits your needs best.
  3. Enter your personal info and who you get your energy from now. There’s no fee to sign up.
  4. Confirm your sign-up. In a few minutes, you’ll get an email confirming it.

After you sign up, you’ll start helping the planet right away. Also, as a new member, you’ll get a National Parks pass valued at $80. This pass lets you visit federal parks all over the U.S.

Things to Watch Out For

When you switch providers, remember a few things:

  • There’s No Long-Term Commitment: You’re not locked into a long contract with CleanChoice Energy. You can change your mind or plan without losing power.
  • Reduced Carbon Pollution: By choosing CleanChoice Energy, you’re supporting 100% clean wind and solar power. This cuts down on big amounts of carbon pollution, about 18,000 pounds per home every year.
  • Happy Customers: In New Jersey and New York, CleanChoice Energy gets high marks from its users. Customers like its service and dedication to the planet.
  • Gold Certification: Green America has given CleanChoice Energy a Gold Certification. This shows their strong commitment to renewable energy and being green.

By remembering these points, moving to CleanChoice Energy will be easy and beneficial.

Community Impact and Corporate Responsibility

CleanChoice Energy works hard to help the community and be socially responsible. Many people recognize and appreciate the company’s efforts. In 2024, Real Leaders® named it a Top Impact Company. Over 500 companies from 15 countries competed for this title. It shows that CleanChoice Energy is devoted to creating a big positive effect through its unique business model. This model lets it offer 100% renewable energy directly to consumers.

CleanChoice Energy is proud to be a Certified B Corporation. This means it’s serious about caring for the environment. It has earned top marks from Green America’s Green Business Network. Plus, out of more than 1,800 Certified B Corps, it has won the titles “Best for Workers” and “Best for the Environment.” Besides providing clean energy, the company has donated over $1 million to environmental and social causes. This is more than double the amount they gave in 2015.

CleanChoice Energy is making a big impact on the sustainable energy market. It’s on the Inc 5000 list of growing companies and Deloitte’s Technology Fast 500™. It’s the fourth-largest buyer of renewable energy for direct customers in the US. The company now operates in eight states and the District of Columbia. CleanChoice is committed to offering only 100% renewable energy to its customers. Thanks to their efforts, over 3 billion pounds of carbon dioxide have been kept out of the air.


What is CleanChoice Energy?

CleanChoice Energy offers renewable electricity. It aims to cut costs and carbon footprints for users.

How does CleanChoice Energy support environmental sustainability?

It uses wind and solar power to lower carbon footprints. By doing this, it supports green practices in energy.

What types of energy sources does CleanChoice Energy use?

It mainly uses wind power and solar energy. This makes their electricity eco-friendly for customers.

How does the subscription model of CleanChoice Energy work?

People pick a suitable plan and sign up. CleanChoice then delivers renewable energy to their homes. The bill merges with regular utilities bills.

What are the cost implications of switching to CleanChoice Energy?

It can be costly to start but cheaper in the long run. Think of it as an investment in the environment with savings on bills.

What are the main advantages of using CleanChoice Energy?

Benefits are big: less pollution, easy to get, and supporting clean energy. This is good for both people and the planet.

Are there any drawbacks to subscribing to CleanChoice Energy?

Some may find costs a bit high. There might also be worries about the details in the contracts from what others say.

How does CleanChoice Energy compare to traditional energy providers?

It stands out by offering renewable power. This is very different from the usual fossil fuel use from traditional providers.

How committed is CleanChoice Energy to renewable energy and sustainability?

They are very big on sustainability. CleanChoice joins green programs and pushes its customers towards clean energy.

What is the customer service experience like with CleanChoice Energy?

Most customers are happy with the service. But each person’s experience can be different.

In which states is CleanChoice Energy available?

CleanChoice Energy works in various US states. Areas of service can vary, so it’s best to check their website for details.

How do I switch to CleanChoice Energy?

To join, go to their site, pick a plan, and set up billing. Knowing the contract terms is important during sign-up.

What impact does CleanChoice Energy have on local communities?

It’s big on helping the environment and taking part in local projects. These efforts help make energy more sustainable.

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