Simple Ways to Winterize Your House

This season is one of the most important for your home. It’s the time when you need to take care of your home and make sure it’s ready for winter.

In order to do this, you need to do a few things. The first thing you need to do is make sure your home is well insulated. This will help to keep your house warm and comfortable throughout the winter.

The second thing you need to do is make sure your house is well ventilated. This will help to keep your house cool and comfortable throughout the winter.

The third thing you need to do is make sure your house is well lit. This will help to keep your home safe and comfortable throughout the winter. The last thing you need to do is make sure that your home is well-maintained. This will help to keep your home in good condition throughout the winter. By taking these steps, you can ensure that your home will be in good condition throughout the winter.

Throw Out Your Heat Miser and Skip the Fireplace

It’s that time of the year again. You’ll be sleeping with the kiddos in a minute, and you’ll be so cold. What do you do? Store your heat in a miser? No way! Your neighbor across the hall has an electric water heater that runs all year round, and you’d be lucky to warm up for a couple of hours in the summer. Your best bet is to open up the window, hang a blanket on the sash, and use a space heater plugged into an outlet. You can also try to keep a fire going in the fireplace, or use an electric blanket. These may all help, but they’re only a small part of the solution. You need to get rid of the heat miser and replace it with something else.

Winterize Your Ceiling Fans

If you have pets, or children who like to play in the house, you need to check your ceiling fans. Many of them produce little “freeze” scars when the wind is blowing, which can make your bed damp and cold. It’s easily preventable with a simple fix—wiring your ceiling fan so that it blows air from a low pressure area (the ceiling) into a high pressure area (the walls). You’ll quickly notice a difference, and your room will be warm and dry in no time. If your family doesn’t include kids, this is a great way to stop the cold weather blues.

Switch to Natural lighting Instead of Incandescent Lights

If you’re one of the millions of people who still uses incandescent lights, you’re in for a world of hurt this winter. The light coming from these lights is incredibly harsh on the eyes, and can make you feel tired and depressed. It’s also very energy inefficient, and can cause health problems such as migraines and insomnia. To enjoy better health this winter, switch to daylight-based bulbs. These lights provide much cooler, more consistent light, and won’t hurt your eyes as badly. Natural light comes in many forms—whether it’s the sun coming in through your window, the light from a few lights in a room, or the twinkling lights from a TV or radio. Choose the light from natural sources instead of the light from an incandescent bulb, and you’ll feel so much better.

Choose Appropriate Fixtures For Your Needs

If you have a large house, you may wish to look into fitting more lights in order to improve the mood in the rooms. This is a good idea, but you should think carefully before plugging in those extra lights. If you’re unsure of the right lights for a room, try using a low-wattage light from another room in your house. This will help you to make an informed decision when plugging in your new lights. Once you’ve chosen the lights, make sure they’re appropriate for the number of people staying in your house. If not, you may end up with uncomfortable dark rooms.

Secure padlocks on All Doors and Windows

Cold weather is no time for shoddy locks and poor security. Use high-quality locks, such as those from Home Depot, to secure your doors and windows. If you have kids, or anyone else who likes to get into stuff, this may help to keep them safe. Make sure you also use an effective key management system, like airds or online apps, to help you to keep track of your keys and make sure they’re not missing.

Defrost in the Right Way!

Cold air intakes cause moisture to collect inside your walls, which will condense and form ice. Make sure you defrost your house properly—away from heating or air-conditioning sources, and in the cool season. Also, make sure to “rinse and repeat” your defrost process the following summer. This helps to get rid of any Pasty residue that might have formed, and cleans your house of any pesky bugs.


Winter is coming, and with it comes shorter days and colder nights. To keep warm at home, you need to throw out the old fashion ways and adopt a more modern approach. Try these tips to stay warm this winter, and enjoy some nice weather while you’re at it!

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